Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Digital Citizenship and Safety

Students at NBCDES have been participating in lessons 
to help them learn about being safe online.

What are some of the things students have been learning?

1. Parental permission is required for you to use a Google Apps for Education account.

2. Think before posting because even with carefully selected privacy settings, postings are easily shared.  Supporting link here.

3.  Choose the Digital Footprint that you would like to positively represent yourself.

4.  Ask permission before sharing other people's personal information or photos.  

5.  Use your Learn60 account for schoolwork only.

6.  Private information or photos should not be shared, and always tell an adult if something makes you feel uncomfortable.  Supporting link here.

7.  Be careful of cyber tricks.  If it is too good to be true, it probably is a trap.  Supporting link here.

8.  Evaluate the validity of what you read online, and never share your password.  Supporting link here.

9.  Block, report or un-follow users who post inappropriate content.

10.  Be responsible about copyright and give credit by citing your work and resources.  Supporting link here.

11.  By using online tools appropriately, you can do amazing things.  Show your awesomeness!

To view School District #60's Digital Citizenship and Safety full presentation for students using accounts click here.

Share something you learned or that surprised you in your Digital Citizenship lesson.
Share your digital awesomeness - what amazing things have you been doing digitally? 

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Why Choose Northern BC Distance Education?

At the beginning of the school year, we are all anxious for our children
and hope that their classroom experiences for the next ten months will bring success.

So what are the reasons that some families choose
Northern BC Distance Education School?

1.  There is more time to spend with your children and be the main influence for instilling life long values.  Being your child's home facilitator allows you to do this.

2.  Staying at home with your children allows you to embrace all teachable moments.  If your child says, "I wonder why...", you can take the time to explore his/her curiosities and interests developing intrinsic motivation to be a life long learner.

3.  There is less pressure to fit into the latest fads and fashions in order to be socially accepted by peers.

4.  Flexibility in scheduling allows families to learn and still fit in travel, extracurricular activities, family events, etc.

5.  At NBCDES you still get to work with a teacher who provides or helps tailor the educational program for your child.

6.  You can provide a bully-free environment.