Monday, November 24, 2014

Maintaining Motivation in a Virtual School Environment

As we are exploring new teaching techniques, and enhancing our virtual programs, we have been researching strategies to enable our students to become even more successful. One article we found, shares tips on maintaining motivation in a virtual school environment.

As teachers, we see that student motivation enables our students to be successful. The article outlines the following ideas:
  • Master basic study skills
  • Use a reward system (working towards intrinsic)
  • Take breaks
  • Find Inspiration
  • Check in with your Child
  • Know that teachers care
  • Take one step at a time
  • Build self confidence
  • Teach self-smarts

Please read through the article, "Maintaining Motivation in a Virtual School Environment" by Beth Werrell. Within the article, there are supporting links for further understanding. (Click here)

Do you feel that some of these strategies would work for you?

Do you already use some of these strategies? If so, explain how it works for you. 

Monday, November 17, 2014

Exploring Richness

Can you explain what this quote means in your own words?

Can you give an example of something in your heart that makes you rich?

Monday, November 10, 2014

Remembrance Day Reflection

"With My Own Two Hands"

If you joined us this morning in our Remembrance Day Celebration, we shared a song titled, "With My Own Two Hands," by Jack Johnson.

If you did not join us, please click on the link below and listen to the song.
With My Own Two Hands by Jack Johnson

Our Presentation Recording Link Below
Online Presentation Recording

Let's Reflect Together...

In what ways can we as individuals or a community make our world a better place?

What do you do, to make our world a better place?

A Pittance of Time Remembrance Video by Terry Kelly