Monday, January 26, 2015

Internet Safety

Our world is changing rapidly with the advancement of technology, which we utilize in our every day lives. 

Through our own NBCDES school program, we have now incorporated online lessons, online texts, and email is one of our main forms of communications. With our own teaching practices and strategies, we appreciate and cherish the internet for our collaboration with our students. With this in mind, we need to always remind ourselves of the importance of internet safety. We want to encourage our students to see the value in our internet use, but to also remember that safety is very important.

What do you do to practice safety on the internet?

Do you have any questions in regards to internet safety?

Monday, January 19, 2015

Shout it Out!

Take a moment to think about your success: 
in school, at home, in extra curricular activities, and so forth.

"Shout Out" something that you are proud of!

Blog and tell us about your success and how it made you feel.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Anything is Possible

Don't be bound by limits you impose on yourself. 

Anything is possible.

Is there anything that you have tried that you didn't think was possible? Describe this situation to us...

Monday, January 05, 2015

New Year's Resolution

A New Year's Resolution is a promise to yourself or decision to do something, especially to improve one's behaviour or lifestyle in some way, during the year ahead.

So many of us start the year with good intentions: to be healthier, to save more money, or to take more holidays. But how do we maintain our resolutions successfully?

  • You need a plan...that is the key to succeeding at keeping your New Year's Resolution.
  • You need to reflect on whether or not you are achieving your resolution and make adjustments if necessary.

Do you think New Year's Resolutions are beneficial?

Do you set New Year's Resolution for yourself? If so, we would love for you to share your New Year's Resolution for 2015.